About 30 nights in the Airstream this year, I'll start with our first time going south and earliest trip, going in April. Eureka Springs,Ak
Who knew Iowa had such nice state parks and very inexpensive, Ledges state park was a great place to start our camping season!

We were able to give Nellie a bath, the road through Ledges park winds back and forth through the river. I may have gone through the river a little to fast once??
We found this little roadside park and figured it had to be nice since we are from Roberts,Wi.
Nice thing about traveling in April, we almost always had a great spot!
Look Mom no head, we always stop to save turtles on the road, this is a first for this kind of turtle. He pulls his head all the way in and closes the front door. Lake of the Ozarks state park.
The dogs always had to check things out, better if they could run, that didn't work out so well when we tried!! Only once!!
Always like the sunrises and sunsets!
Wonderlust campground, Eureka Springs,Ak
Lots of interesting shops in Eureka and lots of history. http://eurekaspringswebcam.com/index.html

Son Ben, spent a lot of time on the phone with his then girlfriend, soon to be fiancé, and now wife!
Many hikes!
We found Jesus, he's in Arkansas!
Next trip was in May to St. Croix Falls, Wi