Friday, December 26, 2014

Three years on the road and an airstream wedding

We have now been traveling with Nellie for 3 years and a total of about 8000 miles. We have met many new friends and given countless tours of our cruiser. 
The best use of Nellie so far was being front and center in my son and daughter in laws wedding!
We were very honored to have her in the wedding!

Looking forward to many more years of fun!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Another great summer!

About 30 nights in the Airstream this year, I'll start with our first time going south and earliest trip, going in April. Eureka Springs,Ak 

 Who knew Iowa had such nice state parks and very inexpensive, Ledges state park was a great place to start our camping season!

 We were able to  give Nellie a bath, the road through Ledges park winds back and forth through the river. I may have gone through the river a little to fast once??
 We found this little roadside park and figured it had to be nice since we are from Roberts,Wi.
 Nice thing about traveling in April, we almost always had a great spot!
 Look Mom no head, we always stop to save turtles on the road, this is a first for this kind of turtle. He pulls his head all the way in and closes the front door. Lake of the Ozarks state park.
 The dogs always had to check things out, better if they could run, that didn't work out so well when we tried!! Only once!!
 Always like the sunrises and sunsets!
 Wonderlust campground, Eureka Springs,Ak
 Lots of interesting shops in Eureka and lots of history.

 Son Ben, spent a lot of time on the phone with his then girlfriend, soon to be fiancé, and now wife!
 Many hikes!
We found Jesus, he's in Arkansas!
Next trip was in May to St. Croix Falls, Wi

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Progress with Mae

Made a little more progress with Mae our 1964 Safari, finished removing the 50 year old sub floor and belly pan. Both were in pretty bad shape. The frame though is in great shape and only needs a few minor welds repaired and  some paint and new subfloor!

Nice to be done with the nasty stuff that seems to collet in the belly pans of these. I don't know why they still put fiberglass insulation in the frame? It just makes good nesting material for lots of critters and if or when you do have a leak it holds moisture??

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Mae looses her top!

Started on the 1964 Airstream Safari, after 50 years she needs a new floor!
It didn't take to long to drill the rivets out compared to the 54 Cruiser. I think airstream used fewer rivets 10 yrs later.

 Non stop fun!
 After 50yrs the floor has seen better days.
 A little clean up on the frame and some new plywood!
Nice to have a safe place for the top while I work on the frame!

Monday, March 24, 2014

A new floor in the bathroom

Our toes were a little cold in the bathroom, so I came up with this. 
Fun to make!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Nellie gets some heat!

We don't camp in the cold to much but in the early or late season when you just need a little extra heat in the morning or late evening we needed something. Until now we used a couple of small electric space heaters but we were out of luck if we were anywhere without hookups or boon docking out in the hills. I looked for a long time trying to find something that had some decorative style to it and still lightweight. 
I really only found two choices in heaters, we chose the cozy cabin heater from  
The other option we looked at was a dickinson fireplace:
The cozy cabin heater does not put out as much heat as the fireplace but it does produce more heat then the two electric heaters that we use.
Things I liked about the Cozy heater: physical size, weight, 1" venting, cost, unique look

I also liked that it could be vented out the original roof vent so Nellies outside appearance didn't change.

Our first trip of the year is coming up so we will get a  to try it out! 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

New Aluminum! 1964 22' Airstream Safari

I picked up a work in progress project from another airstream friend Tim today, it will be a while to get her into usable shape again but slowly piece by piece she will get there!
We may have to build an addition to the barn for her, Nellie will like the company!
 Tims blog and what he has done is at:
Tim had named her May, that name goes well in our family, We have 3 special Mae's and now 4. The spelling just needs a little change! Her new will be Mae.
 Could be a bit of a jigsaw puzzle to put back together!

 Like all restoration projects this shouldn't take more then a couple years???
 Hopefully when it gets above zero for more then a couples days I can get outside and check things out a little more.
Good smells inside for Jake!