Sunday, February 26, 2012

Next piece

Worked on the bathroom door today, I found it just as easy to sand off the old finish rather then stripping it off, it goes pretty quick. 

Then started in on the side cabinets by the rear bed, I have been scratching my head on these for a while because of the curves in two directions, I see a lot of trial and error in my future.
 Built a jig for my first try.
We have a couple of small stained glass windows about 6"x12" that we are trying to work into the cabinets, we will see what works out??

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Airstream front cabinets

Finished benches and front shelf, next on to the bathroom. We have the first three camping trips booked so progress continues!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Front Benches and end cap shelf

Front benches, Managed to squeeze in a little time this week to work on the front benches. Ended up cutting patterns many times to get the curves right on the side walls. Also found a chair we think is from the early sixty's, feels like the right size, We hope to get new cushions made  for the chair to match the bench cushions.

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sink Cabinet

Got the sink top assembled today and the first coat of sealer on.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Cabinets continue

Sink/Stove base.
Old cabinet was good only as a template, only had tosave it for 3 years.
Had a little fun in town last night at our annual balloon festival.
Then a visit with my Dad, turns 84 this year.

Nellie is out for a walk and some cabinets

Moved the Cruiser a little closer to the house today so I could save a little walking to test fit the  new cabinets.
I need to cut one more hole soon for the water heater just in front of the wheel.
Refrigerator vents turned out ok, I need to polish them up a little yet.

Made good progress on the wardrobe, bathroom and pantry.
Cabinets are taking shape.
Got the front panel cut and installed for the refrigerator.
On to the stove/sink next and install the water heater.
Found and install a new handle for closing the door on the inside.