We traveled back to Oregon to visit Ben, Kaia and 3 month old Juniper. We can't get enough time with the granddaughters.
Four generations on this trip.
How long can you get a 3month old Juniper, a 18 month old Helen and
a 3 1/2yr old Nora to sit still for pictures? With the help of some cookies the photo shoot lasted about
4 minutes.
My three beautiful granddaughters all very healthy troublemakers, I'm a lucky man.
Since Eugene time is 2 hours behind Wisconsin time it was easy to get up for a sunrise hike up Spenser's Butte, It was a great way to get moving in the morning.
Granny watched the girls one morning so my favorite daughter could join me.
Father in law farmer Tom and his daughter made it to the top a couple times.
I Love sunrise walks or any walks with Jan.
We also got to have a very nice dinner with my dads cousin Del and his family, Del researched and published a book on all of our family history back to Norway!
He has a great place in Eugene!
Hiding in a tree with Nora.
Hugging a tree with Nora.
Gotta love these giant trees.
The girls had a great time with Papa.
They had fun in our new beachfront cabin.
We made a house at the beach, it was a little windy and cool but we kept warm with a building project.
The girls had a great time, they are always ready for another adventure.
Endless places for beautiful hikes in Oregon. We averaged about 6-7 miles a day hiking, a couple hours a day driving and many hours playing. Always missing Ben, Kaia and Juniper back home in Wisconsin but happy that doing well with there adventures out west.